Welcome to the Future of General Aviation!

Stratos is a mobile app designed to allow general aviation pilots to explore new airports to fly, log their flight tracks, assess their performance and connect with pilots locally and around the world. 

Download the app now and join the community!

Explore the World...

Using our unique search and filter features, explore airports to fly to like never before.

Plan local flights, new X-Countries or the next $100 (I wish) hamburger run, all within the app. The advanced Nearby feature allow you to filter down airport based on things to do around these airports... such as Restaurants, Museums, Beaches, Parks and more.

...and Report Back!

The app seamlessly pulls your actual flight track based on tail number and time of departure.

Log that flight privately and choose to share it with your network. Make it memorable with pictures and flight stories.

The Missing Link in GA

Connecting with pilots of your region has never been easier.

Join your home airport pilot group, discuss the hot topic of the day and discover where other pilots fly to, in your area or worldwide.

"A License to Learn"

Leverage the app intuitive post-flight assessment to rate your performance for all phases of flight. The analytics dashboard will help discover strengths and weaknesses to improve on.

Effortlessly record details about your flights to reflect back on them and continue becoming a better and safer pilot.

Re-discover what flying is all about.



Meet the founder

Louis Bensard

Founder & CEO

Louis Bensard is a private pilot with a burning passion for aviation and a fervor for adventure. He founded Stratos to help fellow pilots like himself find new airports to fly to, assess his performance over time and connect with pilots and aviation enthusiasts locally and around the world.

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